Financial Regulations -2024-2025
This regulation consists of specifying the conditions and methods of payment of fees related to education and the
additional services which will be billed over the school year.
Each family that enrolls their children at the French International School of Riyadh is informed of the tuition fees
and must be able to pay them.
The effective return to school for students is set for (date to be determined later) September 2024.
However, if for valid reasons (administrative formalities or other, etc.) a student cannot be present at
By this date, the family would be required to notify us officially in writing at the address (
no later than 08/15/2024 at the risk of losing the right to the EFIR place.
Tuition costs consist of:
– Application Fee (AF) for any new registration request
– First Registration Fee (DPI) due only when a student first registers at EFIR
– Annual Registration Fee (DAI) due each new year and concerns all students
– Tuition fees spread over 3 terms, the price varies according to nationality and level
– Miscellaneous costs
Link to the price table: PRICE LIST 2024-2025
Two scenarios:
1.1- Registration of a new student:
Any pre-registration request is subject to an Application Fee of 1150 SAR/TTC not included
refundable. Once the pre-registration file is closed, containing the required documents, and the Application Fees
paid, the request will be studied.
Once admission has been pronounced by the head of the establishment, a payment notice will be sent to the
family. The latter must pay the first registration fee (DPI) for an amount of 2300 SAR / including tax
and the Annual Registration Fee of 5000 SAR/TTC (refer to the 2024-2025 price list).
The payment deadline will be indicated on the payment notice.
The student's admission only becomes effective after payment has been noted by the billing department.
The fees indicated above (FD-DPI-DAI) are not refundable under any circumstances.
1.2- Re-enrollment of a student (having completed the previous year’s schooling):
To confirm re-registration, the Annual Registration Fee is required no later than 04/30/2024.
A student's re-enrollment will only be effective if all tuition fees due for the school year have been paid.
previous and the DAI are paid.
If at the end of the school year the student's tuition fees have not been paid in full, his or her re-registration
for the following year will be cancelled.
The annual registration fee (DAI) is not refundable under any circumstances.
Prices vary depending on the level and nationality of the student, refer to the price table
Tuition fees remain unchanged for students who change nationality after the start of the school year.
school in September.
Families with three or more children enrolled at EFIR benefit beyond the 2
th child, of a
25% reduction on tuition fees. No reduction applies to the first registration fee and
the annual registration fee.
3.1- Additional costs related to examinations: the National Brevet Diploma, the Examinations
First and final years are billed in the 3rd year
3.2- Other school supplies will be the responsibility of parents, the list will be available on the website
EFIR in June 2024.
3.2- Other costs may be charged to parents:
Loss or damage to the correspondence book, diary, textbooks and books borrowed from the
library, as well as any other damage to equipment or furniture or educational and living space
Extra-curricular activities and activities subscribed to as part of the establishment project (school trips,
supervised studies, etc.)
A paid daycare service is set up to accommodate, subject to registration, exceptionally and
After studying the requests, primary school children who are waiting for a brother or sister are busy with their job
school time (details communicated via the EFIR Garderie website)
Tuition fees are to be paid in three installments at the beginning of each term, on an invoice issued
available to parents via the Parent Portal and according to the following schedule:

Each family or paying organization undertakes to respect the payment deadlines indicated above.
If the regularization is not effective at the end of the school year, the head of the establishment reserves the right not to
not proceed with the re-enrollment of the student.
A student is only allowed to participate in the various activities organized by the establishment if the costs related to his
tuition fees are paid on the due dates.
Payment is made exclusively in Saudi Riyals by:
“Certified” check payable to “SAIS – French Section” made out in English or Arabic.
Transfer to strictly personal bank details, communicated on the invoice stub.
Bank transfer is the most recommended payment method by the establishment.
Right of First Registration
2300.00 SAR/TTC non-refundable. The entire amount is due regardless of the arrival date.
Annual registration fee
During the 1st quarter, the full amount is due
During the 2nd quarter, payment of 2/3 of the DAI
During the 3rd quarter, payment of 1/3 of the DAI
Tuition Fees: During the term, the month of arrival is due in full
o 1st quarter, tuition fees are divided by 4 (Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec)
o 2nd quarter, tuition fees are divided by 3 (January/February/March)
o 3rd quarter, tuition fees are divided by 3 (April/May/June)
A child may only be admitted to the EFIR if the application fees, the initial registration fee,
the annual registration fee and tuition fees are paid.
Application fee (AF): non-refundable
First Registration Fee (DPI): non-refundable regardless of the departure date
Annual registration fee (DAI): non-refundable regardless of the departure date
Tuition fees:
– During the 1st month of a quarter, the entire month is due, the following months are reimbursed with
supporting documentation (refund request + final exit or proof of schooling in another
establishment of the network in Saudi Arabia and outside the city of Riyadh.
– Beyond one month, the entire quarter is due.
For any questions relating to the financial aspect: information, invoicing, proof of payment, request for
scholarship…etc, please contact Ms. Karima MALLY at 966 920 00 83 22 ext. 6 or by email at the address